Conscious Leadership Scenario: Several critical boxes need to be checked if you desire to be a transformational senior executive (Elite Top 1%): leading people, strategic planning, inspiring commitment, managing change, and employee development. Yes, there will be mistakes (learning lessons) along the journey; it’s the only way we learn and become a polished conscious thoughtContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – The Top 1% [Elite] Leaders Don’t Make This Mistake Twice”
Tag Archives: performance
Conscious Leadership – Harboring Underperformer[s] Or Management Not Effectively Communicating?
Conscious Leadership Scenario: Harboring Underperformers is a common term that is used loosely in the corporate world. Loosely means a mystery bag that exalts us (manager/employer) from doing the deep work – comprehension is the responsibility of management. I’ve learned over the years of assisting Senior Executive Leadership (transformational visionary leaders) to elevate their communicationContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – Harboring Underperformer[s] Or Management Not Effectively Communicating?”
Conscious Leadership – Unmasking Talent
Conscious Leadership Scenario: How important is it to have a reliable way to reveal the true potential of an individual before you hire them? How important is it to reliably forecast performance and job-fit of an external candidate based on their talent set? Senior leadership teams spanning highly innovative industry sectors have long realized theContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – Unmasking Talent”
Conscious Leadership – PART FOUR: You Will Never Be a Great Leader, Here is Why
Conscious Leadership Scenario: PART THREE of Why You Will Never Be a Great Leader addressed the foundation of what every great team must face, Lack of Commitment. [you can find PART THREE in our archived library] Like many other aspects of life, teamwork comes down to mastering a set of behaviors that are at onceContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – PART FOUR: You Will Never Be a Great Leader, Here is Why”