Conscious Leadership Scenario: I’m reminded daily [working within organizations] that there is more than just one pandemic around the globe. The pandemic I don’t think many acknowledge is toxic work cultures. Cultures where employees keep an updated resume in their office drawer/zip file. Fear breeds complicity, not commitment. Instead of fear-based tactics, Transformational Leaders useContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – Quick Tools to Get Rid of Toxic Work Cultures”
Tag Archives: motivation
Conscious Leadership – Unmasking Talent
Conscious Leadership Scenario: How important is it to have a reliable way to reveal the true potential of an individual before you hire them? How important is it to reliably forecast performance and job-fit of an external candidate based on their talent set? Senior leadership teams spanning highly innovative industry sectors have long realized theContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – Unmasking Talent”
Conscious Leadership – PART TWO: You Will Never Be a Great Leader, Here is Why
Conscious Leadership Scenario: PART ONE of why you will never be a great leader addressed the foundation of every great team-absence of trust. Read PART ONE first, if you have not already. Like in many other aspects of life, teamwork comes down to mastering a set of behaviors that are at once theoretically uncomplicated butContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – PART TWO: You Will Never Be a Great Leader, Here is Why”
Conscious Leadership – How to Create an Organization That Promotes Innovation, Learning, and Growth
Conscious Leadership Scenario: “No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” Growth in organizations today is driven by ideas and ingenuity. People must bring their wholehearted self to work and collaborate with each other to solve problems and accomplish tasks that catapult their organizations forward. OrganizationsContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – How to Create an Organization That Promotes Innovation, Learning, and Growth”
Conscious Leadership – Senior Executive Communication in a “Never Enough” Society
Conscious Leadership Scenario: You’ve got a big vision for your company (usually established by your Board of Directors), and you’re building a team to get you there. But when your Senior Executive team gathers, there’s bound to be some misunderstanding. No matter how hard you work, try to improve communication; you wind up having toContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – Senior Executive Communication in a “Never Enough” Society”
Conscious Leadership– Life Is Too Short for Bad Organizational Culture
It’s all lip service until you develop, implement, and execute on a strategy Conscious Leadership Scenario: We spend a third of our adult lives at work. So, it’s no surprise that organizational culture matters deeply. 75.3% of senior executive leaders site culture as their main driver to pursue other organizations. Leadership Fail: Culture is delicate. It’s hard to build and easy toContinue reading “Conscious Leadership– Life Is Too Short for Bad Organizational Culture”
Conscious Leadership–There Is No Crying in Baseball nor Executive Leadership… Yes, There Is and That’s Fine
Conscious Leadership Scenario: About half of new executive transitions are considered failures within two years- but why? I’ve coached hundreds of struggling executives over the years, and almost every time, their failure is a surprise. The story usually goes something like this: They’ve been high performers their entire careers. As they moved up, they alwaysContinue reading “Conscious Leadership–There Is No Crying in Baseball nor Executive Leadership… Yes, There Is and That’s Fine”
Conscious Leadership – Mismatch of Current Talent and Future Strategies
Conscious Leadership Scenario: Business strategies are accelerating quickly. Digital technology, artificial intelligence, and robotics are all changing how we do business. These dramatic changes often force today’s leaders to be more reflective of where a business has been than where it’s going. As a result, the competencies of today’s senior executives don’t always align withContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – Mismatch of Current Talent and Future Strategies”
Conscious Leadership – Harboring Under-Performers
Conscious Leadership Scenario: We witness harboring under-performers all around; from the Executive Teams, to C-suite leadership, all the way to the Board Room. The threshold for uncertainty varies from company to company, but always has a negative impact. It’s always interesting to see how long it plays out. Leadership Fail: Once Senior Executives start toContinue reading “Conscious Leadership – Harboring Under-Performers”
COVID-19 Back to Work Integration
Conscious Leadership Scenario: COVID-19 Quarantine will eventually come to an end and we will need to integrate back to our normal work environment. What does this integration look like? Leadership Failure: Demanding all employees report back to work after COVID-19 quarantine ends. Adverse Effect on Culture and Performance: This quarantine will come to an endContinue reading “COVID-19 Back to Work Integration”